Ariana's Posts

Arizona Legislators: Are You Pro-Life?

Tony, working on learning how to open straw wrappers during a recent habilitation session, a skill many take for granted and learn quickly but will take him many months to master. From his first outing practicing communication and other necessary skills for eating some place with a waiter. Photos by Ariana

Tony December 15th, completing a new to him 24 piece jigsaw puzzle by himself that had come as a gift from a Kiwanis club field trip for his class. This is a task to build recreational and sequencing skills we have been working on in habilitative therapy.
Ariana's Posts

“Put Out?” No.

Ariana's Posts

Mismanagement Probably Not: A Second Open Letter Regarding Arizona DDD/ALTCS Funding Shortages

A recent service denial letter I received for Tony’s speech therapy in January, photos and screenshots by Ariana

*For those of you who read this before Wednesday’s post, there is another post further down the page on this subject, so kindly keep on scrolling through to read it 😀

The teaching of this skill began in habilitative therapy (which is a medically necessary therapy type paid for by DDD and not by commercial insurances) with programming designed by Miss S, where he was first asked to give a solid item that he recognized out of a field of two. This is a foundational skill that transitions up to be used in the community for teaching reading to nonverbal individuals, being able to give a requested letter or word.
Ariana's Posts

Regarding Proposed Cuts To Services for the Developmentally Disabled in Arizona

Screenshot from google results, all photos by Ariana

Action Alert!” by Raising Special Kids

Funding for services to help people with developmental disabilities in limbo,” Zach Prelutsky, Arizona’s Family

Disability advocates call on legislature to close $122M funding gap at Division of Developmental Disabilities,” Colleen Sikora, Twelve News

Medicaid Matters: Tucker’s Story of Strength and Inclusion,” Raising Special Kids

Ariana's Posts

Just Like That UMR Happened…

Me, doing a skin check yesterday. Don’t worry Dr. J, I’m still wearing the collar all day except for skin breakdown checks.

Me, from a screenshot of an I love you video I sent my kiddos after the surgery, and with an allergic reaction to the adhesive on the waterproof dressing they were used as shown on Dec. 26th from a picture sent to the surgeon.

He still needs one to one support, I walked away to get my camera to take a picture of how well he was doing with this set of circles and he started scribbling in the last one, lol.
Ariana's Posts

Two Autistics Walked In…

Screenshots and photos by Ariana
Tony from last week. He has recently started expressing interest in using the hand dryers at school.
My eyes, which might not see this the way you do. And that’s ok.
Ariana's Posts

November Gratitude & Some Reading/Viewing

Photos by Ariana
Ariana's Posts

“But Wait, There’s More…”

Screenshot of recent findings for my MRI’s, screenshots & photos by Ariana

If only it were going to come with the “low, low price of just $19.95.” OK, so you can totally tell I saw a few too many infomercials in the ’80’s. I wish I could say some of this came as a complete surprise, but it didn’t. My foot slipped carrying an air purifier down the stairs in the fall of 2020, and instead of just letting the purifier go and taking a more protective body position, I curled around the appliance and cracked my back and then my head on the four bottom stairs. Came with a concussion and lower back pain ever since.

I’m not really going to speculate on what the treatment plan for this will be here, I still haven’t had my appointment to speak with the current treating neurologist (who is likely going to need to refer me to the type of surgeon who could comment on that). I can tell you if you hit Google up for a search on it you’ll once again find many of the symptoms I’m currently dealing with. And if you dig a little deeper, it recommends surgery for individuals who experience some of the symptoms I am having. The good news is it’s something that can be fixed, the trickier part will be navigating anything with a hospital stay or lengthier recovery time.

I spoke with my therapist last week, and she said she was going to look up stuff specifically designed to address medical trauma. Because the one thing I can for sure predict is that more personal doctor’s appointments will be in my near future. In the mean time, I’m going to celebrate Tony’s first week on the bus, and share some screenshots of one of the mental health supporting activities I am currently engaged in (puzzle apps). I have loved puzzles since I was a little girl, and while I find the ads on these apps annoying, I like the lack of cardboard dust and the variety of puzzles. Currently I’m crushing through as many Halloween ones as I can to celebrate the season. Take good care of yourselves, Much love, Ari

Ariana's Posts

It’s A Matter Of Perspective

Screenshot of the out-of-range findings on labs ordered by a neurologist involved in my care.
Screenshot from “Vitamin B6 Toxicity” by Adam Hemminger and Brandon Wills, taken from NIH National Library of Medicine.

Ariana's Posts

Mental Healthcare *Is* Medical Healthcare

Screenshot, the hot take by Google’s AI, screenshots by Ariana