So much of the gift giving in our communities is concentrated and condensed into days of prescribed celebration. But some of the best presents have trickled in bit by bit this past year, oft ill-wrapped by other circumstances and generally unannounced by fanfare, tags, or cards. Perhaps they are small compared to what some would want, but to my heart the size of a gift has no relationship to it’s significance. Sometimes I was able to capture them in pictures, sometimes not. Some of them must be carried gently for now, guarded safely within until they are ready to be made known. All of them are loved for what they are, not just what they could become.

Tony pulling the wagon for others on some community safety walks.
Tony helping out with more things, putting the recyclables bin back, taking it out, helping put things in the blender…a little help here, a little help there can add up to a pretty big gift.

Siblings who love each other…this picture came from a series of hugs for his big sister initiated by Tony himself. Hannah’s name remains one of the few words he will verbally say out loud.

Can we get a “heck yes” for a little more impulse control? This is a multi-part gift. I fitted Tony’s chest of drawers with latches shortly after writing my post on some of his impulse control challenges (titled “Every Day is ‘Groundhog Day'”). His fine-motor skills have improved enough he can now open all of these latches- in fact, he’s the one who unlatched all of them before this picture was taken- and, he’s only dumped the clothes out once since he gained that skill a few months ago.

Tony interacting more with others and enjoying more of his time in public.

Tony showing more comfort working with others in public settings, and responding better to them for some safety instructions. He sits with Jessi in the lobby at the end of every Neurologic Music Therapy session so that I can use the restroom. Next week we’ll be delving into more updates on what our little man is working on during NMT.

Hannah enjoying the acrylic paints my schedule has been neglecting for years. There is so much more I would love to share, but I must honor the wishes of our sweet daughter for a deeper privacy at this time. What is pictured is of one of her paintings (which she has granted permission for me to share), but no photograph can ever capture the depth of my feelings- whatever she chooses to do with her time.

An increased willingness to do more functional tasks in public settings. Someone used to have to wait with Tony while I got his frozen yogurt or ice cream, but now he is willing to help hold the cup, pull on the lever, and stand in line.

Improved tolerance of some medical procedures and equipment. At this past Monday’s appointment, Dr. B was able for the first time to get a dental mirror into our little man’s mouth with his full cooperation. He will still need sedation for full cleanings for now, but we continue to see improved tolerance that fuels hope for a day when that will no longer be necessary.

An improved ability to grade the strength of muscle movements. Tony has had a hard time developing enough control over his muscles to touch things with gentler strokes or reduced force, but bit by bit our little man is getting a lighter touch.

I am humbled and given more than I can say in each and every one of the fabulous therapists who bless our family with their time, expertise, and patience. Thank you, each and every one of you, for helping to build our son and our family up.
It is so wonderful to see the incredible progress that Tony is making, and the incredible painting by your sweet Hannah! What a gift she is.❤️
Hi Courtney! 🙂 Yes, Hannah is an incredible gift to our family…and a very thoughtful young woman, an independent thinker with a great concern for doing what is right. I know that it is easy to look at where Tony is at and where Tony could be if he were a typical child and only see the negatives. Certainly he has many challenges, but he also certainly continues to progress. We are truly proud of both of our children… Thanks for continuing to read about our journey, and I hope you and your family have a lovely holiday season! <3 Ariana
Beautiful! I love all of this 🙂
Thanks! Me too 🙂 <3 And thank you for continuing to read my blog Denise, it means a lot to me!