Hannah's Posts

Being With Tony in Public

Hannah & Tony, photo by Ariana

Hello! For those of you who might not know my name, my name is Hannah. I am the 11 year old daughter of the creator of this blog. My school district (and others too) are taking the Az Merit right now. While I was taking the test, I thought about Tony and how we would get him into a school. Would we ever get him into a school? Could he get to a point in his life where he would deal well with other people? How long will it take till he is able to go to school? Will we have to home school him? Whenever the topic of putting Tony in a school comes up, these questions flood my mind. We pulled him out of the last school he went to. Their curriculum helped higher functioning kids than Tony, and he wasn’t learning much. Will there ever be a good school for Tony? I don’t know. We are kind of in a jam. A lot of schools for disabled people deal with higher functioning kids, not kids like my brother.

Another thing is, sometimes we have trouble getting Tony through stores. He flips out, tries to run away, crawl away, bang his head on the floor, you get the picture. I get kinda worried that someones gonna think we are abducting him and call the cops. Luckily, that hasn’t happened. Yet.

Also, sometimes he just grabs random foods and puts them in the cart, not even knowing what they are.

Also, Tony struggles on vacations. With his sensitive hearing, the already loud sounds at places like Disneyland are magnified. He also doesn’t understand what will happen if he jumps off the vehicle in one of the rides, which is why he can’t go on them. One of my parents has to watch Tony while the other goes on the ride with me. Also, if we want to shop on our vacations for souvenirs, we have to be quick, or otherwise Tony will get impatient and melt down!

We can’t do much about this except for spreading awareness so people don’t get all nervous and jumpy. So, spread awareness. Help people learn about this, because helping people understand will make it a lot easier on families with disabled children.

<3 Hannah 🙂

4 thoughts on “Being With Tony in Public

  1. Hannah, you are asking hard questions, that hopefully one day will find good answers. Keep on doing the wonderful job you are doing!

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