Ariana's Posts

Gonna Pin The Positive…

Some good things are already here. All photos by Ariana.

My body was humming cheerily this morning after jogging nearly 20 minutes of our outing to practice tricycle skills. I just finished my second cup of coffee, and it makes me think about how much I have to be grateful for even when things are busy. Two long years it has taken to build up enough caffeine tolerance to jog that much and to drink coffee again (like many individuals with POTS, I lost caffeine tolerance when symptoms first emerged).

But more good things are coming, I can feel it. This is a busy time, where meetings and appointments are starting to pop up as we work with our son’s advocate to officially begin Tony’s reentry into the school setting. And there’s a whole lot of other things that need to be done outside of these meetings and the therapy hours I am responsible for providing.

So, this week’s shared happy happening is going to be short: after only working with Tony for 3 days on the motor planning aspect, our little man is able to independently access a kindle profile using a 4 digit pin.

Yes, he remembers all of the numbers on his own. He sequences all the numbers correctly every time at this point and nobody needs to tell him or prompt him for anything on it, plus he’s nailed the motor planning aspect in record time for him. For kiddos like my son who have motor planning deficits, that means their brains understand what they need to do but can’t get their muscles to do it without a fair amount of practice (sometimes a significant amount of practice), and immediate imitation is usually a struggle for an individual with motor planning delays. I was so excited my first impulse was to put a video up before the “not a great idea from the security side of things” warning nipped on the heels of that thought and laid it to rest in the “not the best idea” graveyard.

So, you’ll just have to take my word for it…though certainly other therapists have witnessed him doing it, because he’s feeling pretty proud of himself and sometimes looks downright smug as he shoots one of us a glance that says “I don’t need you to do this for me anymore so I can get into this kindle any time I want!” And as I look forward to more meetings in the weeks ahead, I can see that other good things truly are coming up on the horizon.

Meeting make up. More of that’s on the horizon too, lol! 😀

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