Hannah's Posts

Having Disabilities Is Not a Bad Thing

Hannah, Photo by Ariana

Hi! My name is Hannah. I will be doing posts on this blog once a month. (I might do more than that later.) You may notice some of the photos on this blog were taken by me. I’m Tony’s 11 year old sister. I’m on this blog for three main reasons:

1: I wanted to be on this blog.

2: To help adults understand how it feels to be the sibling of a kid with special needs.

3: To be able to sympathize with and give advice to other kids that are like me and have a sibling with special needs.

My brother, as my mom has probably told you, has a long list of disabilities. They don’t define him, but some people think they do. When my mom tells me about these people, I feel like going back in time, and saying “That was so rude! What the heck?” Sadly, I can’t. I just have to let people be people, no matter how mean they are. That’s mostly because I’m at school all the time. I can’t help at the store if I’m in another building doing worksheets. It’s really hard to hear about all of these people. Some people think it’s a shameful thing to have disabilities. It’s not a bad thing to be disabled! Well, it’s hard for the person with disabilities, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of! It’s kinda weird but also cool that no matter how many times your sibling hides your phone, steals your snacks, or crumples up your drawings, you still love them.

I love my brother very much, and it’s hard for me when people are mean to him. Sadly, humans aren’t very understanding. Many people just judge. It’s very hard not to judge people. It’s kinda one of those things humans just do. Like talking behind other peoples backs. Humans just do it. That’s why it’s so hard to stop. I’m sure there is no one in the history of mankind who hasn’t talked about someone behind their back or judged someone. Just remember: Having disabilities is not a bad thing. Make sure to follow my mom’s blog and have an awesome day!

<3 Hannah:)

8 thoughts on “Having Disabilities Is Not a Bad Thing

  1. Hannah, that was beautifully written! I hope you keep writing and using your voice. The world could use more people speaking up like you do!

  2. Great writing, Hannah! You’re an awesome big sister, and we’re very grateful that you are a part of his life and care team!

  3. Thank you Hannah for your sweet words. You’re right. Have disabilities is not a bad thing. Standing up for people with disabilities is a great think. Keep helping your Mom and Dad and Anthony. I love you.
    Aunt Kathy

  4. I love your post Hannah! Thanks for sharing this, and for being so patient with your brother when he hides your phone, steals your snacks, and crumples your drawings. Great job 🙂

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