Ariana's Posts

July Gratitude & Some Reading

Some Brief Notes of Gratitude

Tony & me, waiting for music therapy to start, June 19th, 2023.

To Sadie, Tony’s Former Lead NMT Therapist

We are so very grateful for your positive attitude during your time working with our son. We appreciate your patience, your flexibility, your professionalism, and everything you contributed to his growth. Even though I personally didn’t get to witness your sessions because your team no longer needs me back there (whoo-hoo!), it is clear to me how much our son has enjoyed working with you and I know he will miss you. From everyone in our family, we wish you every success and happiness in your new home state.

To The Special Education Director In Our Son’s School District:

Thank you for hearing our son’s needs and working with our team to find solutions that would meet his needs. <3

A Brief Note:

The next couple months are going to be pretty busy for me. Our son, as we have discussed, is transitioning back into the school environment, and this next month is going to have many extra tasks necessary to prepare for this. To accommodate that and retain my bubble for stress reduction, I am going to be taking the next month off of posting.

Some Reading To Consider

Two Wrongs Make a Right, by Chloe Liese

First, I just want to be clear this is not a comprehensive review. I’ve ended up needing to take care of some unexpected tasks today, thus my writing time is very short. And, my reason for recommending this book is equally short: I felt the author did a great job representing the intimacy needs of someone who has sensory differences, and for our family, accurate representation matters. I *loved* that this was given an honest portrayal. That being said, it’s also important to note that this is just one possible version of how sensory differences can impact intimacy as individual differences and needs will vary. The heroine of this book is an Autistic artist who falls in love with a young man who struggles with anxiety. I felt like the author’s writing style is engaging, her wit is enjoyable. The conflict that caused that heartbreaking moment of “will they or won’t they resolve this” separation upset me a bit because I personally couldn’t relate to the reasoning behind it, but I can see that as being purely a matter of perspective, because someone else may find it relatable so my opinion on that should not deter you personally. However, for my religious loved ones who have treasured beliefs that involve avoiding descriptions of sexual acts, this book is not going to meet your cleanliness standards, so heads up.