Ariana's Posts

Many Thanks to Miss Emily

photo by Hannah

I want to briefly say how grateful our whole family is to Emily (who does two sessions with us each week), for taking the time to share some of her knowledge about NMT and everything she has done to assist Tony while supporting our family. She goes out of her way to meet us places to help us progress Tony’s public tolerance skills. She offered to make time in her overbooked schedule to do some sessions with Hannah if she felt like she needed it when both of our beloved (but definitely geriatric) cats passed away within 5 days of each other a few months ago. That also meant a great deal to me.

But more than that, Emily showers us all with love and acceptance every week, and you know, Tony’s just adorable even when he’s struggling, but I can be a lot to handle sometimes in my own right. I can be a bit persnickety, though I try really hard not to unleash too much of that on the unsuspecting world around me. She’s experienced a bit of my detail oriented ways and managed to survive it with enormous amounts of grace. We love you Miss Emily, and thank you!

*Tony has another awesome NMT therapist who partners with Emily once a week, and we will be talking more about Miss Madi in a future gratitude note 🙂

2 thoughts on “Many Thanks to Miss Emily

  1. I read your posts EVERY week with great interest. Someone once said “music is the bridge between Heaven and earth”. So makes all the sense in the world that music is also the bridge between the world and the brain. Thanks for all you do and share. Love always.

    1. Randi, Thank you so much! 😀 Tony has always responded well to music, sometimes it is the only time he will try word approximations too, filling in words for songs when I pause. Thanks for making time to read with us each week, ♡ Ariana

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