Ariana's Posts

Mylan & Insurance Providers: Shame. On. You.

Sometimes life can wrap itself around me and suck upon any eloquence I had until only crusty cracks of effort remain. The past two weeks have certainly left me feeling artistically desiccated and a bit more to the point. So let’s get more briefly to it…

This was me, the morning I wrote my last post. Looking and feeling pretty darn healthy. Except for the previously mentioned purple ankle sprain. 😉

This is me the next day, the second picture was me moments before I was given dexamethasone to bring down tongue and face swelling for a suspected allergic reaction at a local urgent care. About half an hour after that they sent me off to one of our local ER’s, where the attending MD told me that I had now joined the ranks of those needing to carry an EpiPen with me at all times.

The past two weeks have been a long, sometimes scary ride for me that isn’t anywhere near over yet. I have been in the ER twice, and I have probably annoyed the heck out of at least one doctor. Not what I aim for, but sometimes I have a gift without even trying when it comes to that. Just sayin.

I also found it’s an expensive ride. Our portion of the ER bills, doctor’s office visits, and filling one prescription after another was quite a lot- including for the EpiPen. Which, costs an astonishing $600, compared to the mere dollars it allegedly costs to manufacture.

Because I’m tired and still dealing with so much from this, I am going to be blunt about this: This markup is absolutely indefensible and obscene. For those who need an EpiPen, it is a matter of life and death. I am not opposed to a reasonable profit, but I can see no justification for a price point that high on this. Mylan, SHAME. ON. YOU.

I rather suspect they have heard similar sentiments before, and as the pricing remains ridiculous, I doubt anything I alone add onto that pile of previous criticisms would lead to changes. Like many people, I had heard of the price gouging on this item, but I was busy with so many things and I have never publicly said anything. We all are busy that way. But unless more of us start objecting to this level of profiteering, far too many people will be priced out of being able to carry something like this with them that they need to survive.

Now I, like many people, have health insurance. Blue Cross Blue Shield, specifically, and they are typically one of the better insurance providers. And, like many insurance providers, they don’t cover the cost of an EpiPen.

I do understand insurance companies aren’t philanthropic organizations, they also exist to turn a profit. But it’s honestly not a good look when you don’t allow benefit coverage of any kind for this type of item. We’re not talking about something cosmetic here, after all. Even covering a portion of the EpiPen, or putting a benefit limit of covering one every year or two is a much better look that still allows for some sort of spending cap. Blue Cross Blue Shield, SHAME. ON. YOU.

One entity that came out looking a bit better in this situation was GoodRx, which had a coupon allowing us to purchase my EpiPen for $94.

My words of disapproval alone will never change this situation. I know many of you have busy lives, and many of us have causes that are near our hearts and take up so much time. But next time this issue becomes a matter for public discourse, my hope is that each of us will raise our voices in condemnation of these types of pricing practices. You may not think it will matter to you personally, but just like I was, you could be wrong. And it may still matter to someone else you love, or someone you could love if only you had the chance to meet or know them better. <3