Ariana's Posts

September Gratitude & Some Reading/Viewing

Tony sitting in his general education home room last week, photos by Ariana

So Much Gratitude

This is a complicated season in our lives, and I struggled to narrow the focus of my appreciation down to one person or one circumstance. We as a family have seen and felt the support of the special education team from our son’s public school district as we have ongoing discussions about the accommodations he needs for the best chance of success for his transition into that environment. To each and every one of you, thank you.

We have also been so grateful for the diligence and work our son’s ABA team put into getting a new authorization for him when we had an unplanned health insurance change at the start of the month. I can’t thank you guys enough for doing this in a manner that ensured no disruptions to his services.

And above all, I am grateful for my family and my son, who is working so hard to do things that feel scary or hard for him right now as he adjusts to his new school and the routines they have. This past week Tony made it to both his general education home room and his assigned specials class, which are huge steps for him. I am so thankful that he continues to try so hard, even when things feel hard for him.

A General Note

Friends, Family, and loved ones- Sometime soon I am going to need to be taking some time off for a medically necessary hysterectomy. This was not a planned detour of our current journey, and I don’t want anyone to worry (biopsy came back benign according to the lab report I accessed). However, I imagine I may not want to do any typing for a couple of weeks after that surgery, so…reading it will be instead of writing for me. Which may help with the next time I make recommendations, because this month I was so busy with appointments, therapy, and the school transition I didn’t finish too many books.

A Tiny bit Of Reading & Viewing To Consider (links on titles)

AHCCCS Sends Proposal for Parents as Paid Caregiver Program on to CMS For Approval, by Raising Special Kids

I know many of you have read my thoughts on the above, but this is a brief update stating that parent feedback was considered by the AZ AHCCCS Administration and revisions were made to the CMS waiver proposal that would, according to this article, allow parents to be the habilitative providers if no other provider could be found. There is a forum being held on September 6th regarding the new modifications, and I personally look forward to hearing more specifics about what exactly has been proposed, but I find this to be a very encouraging development.

Sunset With Glamshop Resort Palette, by Ewa Makeup Artist

Anybody who knows me knows I love me my makeup. I love to have fun with it, and it’s kind of like a form of art therapy for me right now when things are harder. Even though I need to look more professional when I am working with our son at school, I still really look forward to the chance to be more dramatic on the weekends. Sometimes I come up with my own looks, sometimes I decide to adapt something someone else does. I have recommended videos from this artist before, I think she’s talented and we have a similar eye shadow aesthetic. This was my favorite of her looks for the past month and I recreated it last weekend using different products (because I don’t own this palette and I am on what’s called a “no buy” right now) and making a few modifications for the differences in our eye shape and skin type (mine’s just a wee bit more crepe and drape-like given the difference in our age).

My recreation of her look….

Just a reminder that I do modify my priming process to give that much powder a cream effect since I am 47 (right now I’m using a *small* amount of Maybelline Baby Skin Primer underneath Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer, setting it with a translucent powder and then putting an eyeshadow primer over that. For colors I want to appear true to tone like this I will use a white primer like Juvia’s Place I Prep, I Prime) and just pat it over the other stuff and through the magic of interactive product chemistry, it soaks up the powder products quite well for those of us with more mature skin who still want to use all of the bolder, more colorful powder products.

Today’s makeup in a lighting and angle to make it easier to see the more cream-like appearance of the powder shadows with my eye priming method.