Hey guys! Happy (late) Halloween!!! I hope you enjoyed your holiday and weren’t driven insane by trick-or-treaters pestering you for candy. Although there are a few different ways to celebrate Halloween, many people celebrate by:
- Going trick-or-treating or taking their kids trick-or-treating
- Going to Halloween parties
- Watching a Halloween movie
- Dressing up
- Handing out candy
- Carving jack-o-lanterns
How did Tony spend his Halloween?
- Screaming
- Wrestling mom
- Losing his shoe
- Trying to go into peoples homes when trick-or-treating
Tony didn’t like costume shopping either. The first time we tried to take him to Spirit Halloween, he stayed outside the store for 20 minutes screaming, trying to bang his head on the ground, and jumping up and down. The second time, mom experimented and got him inside by having him watch a movie on her kindle fire. The third went OK too.

Tony started out trick-or-treating OK, but then, he saw a park. Before mom knew it, his SHOE had fallen off and he was dragging her toward the dark equipment, (luckily, mom found Tony’s shoe). What a FUN holiday, right? While all that was happening, I was at home helping dad pass out candy.
Although Tony seems to hate Halloween, he did trick or treating a lot better than he normally would. Good job, Tony! 😀 He did GREAT going up to people’s homes for candy! Although, he did try to give back the candy at some points. Because he is nonverbal, mom made him a piece of paper that said “My name is Tony, Trick or treat!” Tony did not want to show it to people. Overall, he did very well.
I hope you all had a great Halloween. Don’t forget to subscribe to my mom’s blog and have a great day!
<3 Hannah 🙂
Ah, yes. The FrankenKindle. Five years old and miraculously it keeps coming back to life. But one of these days, it’s going to officially die for good and get replaced by something really cool…like another ipad mini 😉 Thank you so much Hannah for explaining your brother’s situation on that first day outside of Spirit Halloween when we were trying to buy the vampire teeth for your costume! Love you!