Ariana's Posts

January Gratitude & Some Viewing

Bandit, his fur is starting to grow back from the shaved IV site, photo by Ariana

To the ASPCA Animal Poison Control staff and toxicologist, the Blue Pearl Emergency Animal Hospital, and Dr. M with the Fabulous staff at our Vet’s office:

Thank you. Hannah’s precious Bandit, mischievous and usually very loving, doesn’t thank you. He’s not fond of vets, hospitalizations, medicines, tests, or anything like them- so he’s still very displeased with each and every one of you. But I am beyond grateful, that he is even here to attitudinally impress each of us with his ongoing displeasure for all live-preserving services rendered is a gift beyond words. And I thank everyone involved for the roles that they played in bringing this happiest of outcomes to pass.

To Chris

Thank you for everything you contributed to Tony’s speech programs over the past two years. I have always deeply appreciated your professionalism, as well as your patience with him and with me. You have been a trooper, slogging through rain and anything else we thought might be helpful to try as we have worked to expand Tony’s communication skills. We support you in doing whatever you need on your own path forward, but know that you will be missed and we wish you the very best.

Some Viewing To Consider

“Klan We Talk?” by Daryl Davis, TEDxCapeMay

This talk has been on my mind for some time, but I feel in light of Wednesday’s horrific and deeply concerning events in our nation’s capital, Mr. Davis’ inspiring message is something that we should all do our very best to internalize and apply. In this talk, he outlines the importance of respectful communication with others who think differently from us as he details the journey of how he, as an African-American, came to have an enduring friendship with a KKK leader. A friendship that would ultimately see the day where this former KKK leader resigned his membership and gave Mr. Davis his ceremonial robes. In a world where so many are becoming increasingly intolerant of respectful interaction with anyone who doesn’t share and echo their own personal beliefs, I think Mr. Davis’ example shows a better way forward for us all. You can click on the title of his talk above for a link.

Some Doing To Consider

This past week I read a news article from CNN detailing the rise of mental health crises during the pandemic. Some of the people we know and love may be silently suffering and struggling with weights that have only been increased by the deepening pandemic. I know I personally have struggled significantly with anxiety in ways I haven’t for decades, and I am sure I cannot be the only one out there experiencing that. I would ask each of you to reach out to someone you haven’t heard from in a while and have a friendly conversation with them about anything- could be something happier than current events, could be whatever they need you to listen to about how the current events are impacting them. Whatever each of us are going through, the burdens often feel lighter if we help lift each other up a bit along the way.