Hannah's Posts

Tony & School

Hannah & Tony eating OrangeLeaf after school 8/28/2018, photo by Ariana

Hey guys! Its me, Hannah. Back with another post! 🙂

Most of us kids\teens have started school by now. Some are exited to go to school. Others are deeply bored by it. Some just don’t like their peers. And others are kinda in the middle. They don’t necessarily like school or hate it. And then there’s me. I just don’t wanna go anywhere. I wanna stay home and play on the computer. Actually, I usually don’t wanna even get out of my bed. I wanna stay in my room all day.

There are some kids though who completely DESPISE school. Some kids hate it with every cell of their body. They see nothing good from school. Many of these kids are disabled. I remember when Tony was in school. We home school him now, but before that he went to a special education class at a public school. He did NOT like it one bit. But, why? Why didn’t he learn anything? Why did he hate it so much?

One reason was strangers. He didn’t know his peers very well, or his teachers. All he knew was that there were a bunch of noisy kids playing around him. He didn’t seem to have anyone he liked to hang out with at all. Some of them were doing pretend play, which is a concept he finds confusing. He was very confused and overwhelmed.

Hannah & Tony, photo by Ariana

Another reason was noise. Once, there was a loud video playing in his class. He was overwhelmed and crying. His teachers didn’t stop the video and simply told themselves it must be a stomachache. After all, why wouldn’t he be perfectly fine with the extremely loud video when the other higher functioning kids seemed fine? Well, they called mom and she came to pick him up. She came only to find an extremely loud video playing and Tony in hysterics. Of course, she easily new the problem. She told them to turn down the volume and Tony quickly calmed down.

Finally, here’s this: The teachers and therapists were at first giving him schoolwork for kids that were higher functioning. He didn’t know how to do the work. He was already overwhelmed, and then having them try to make him do work and activities he couldn’t understand… He must have felt horrible!

Well, that’s enough for today. Have a great day! Please remember to like and subscribe to my mom’s blog! Also, spread the word about this blog AND about disabled people. See ya! Bye!

<3 Hannah 🙂