Ariana's Posts

What I Think Every Neurotypical Therapist, Teacher, Or Paraprofessional Should Know

photo by Ariana

2 thoughts on “What I Think Every Neurotypical Therapist, Teacher, Or Paraprofessional Should Know

  1. I have thought of Tony as being very advanced with his coping techniques. He is able to zone out or block out some of the situations that stress him. Us more “abled” struggle with this by trying to “meditate” or we seek out medications to try and cope with anxiety. I think we are behind Tony in that sense.

    1. I am so sorry Randi, for some reason I just now saw this and it went to moderation without sending me a notification! Super embarrassed. You are an angel, I appreciate your perspective. Tony does have his moments where he’s not so zen about it, trust me. But he’s trying very hard and I can see so much growth in him already from being in the school environment. Take good care of yourself and your family <3

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