Hannah's Posts


So cute it’s hard to be mad at him, photo by Ariana


status: curtain climber/house destroyer/wounder of humans/adorable cat/friendly cat

We adopted Bandit December 9th, 2017. That was just about 2 months after my other cats (Dickens and Whispie) died. I was very upset after their deaths, and thinking about it still causes me pain. How did we come to adopt bandit? It started on December 8th. Mom was looking at new cats on the computer.

I, of course wasn’t looking. I didn’t want to get my heart set on a cat only to have them adopted by someone else. I didn’t want to be even more sad. So I wasn’t exactly thrilled when mom called me over to look at Bandit’s picture and information.

The picture showed a black-and-white kitten, with wide golden eyes and a tiny pink nose. I instantly wanted to meet Bandit. “Stop!” is what my head seemed to be yelling to me. “Don’t get your heart set on anything!!!!!!!!!!!!” But, the problem was, even though I tried to convince myself otherwise, I felt like I needed Bandit. So, in the morning, we went to the animal shelter as fast as we could.

There we were. At the start of the long line to get in when it opened. When the doors were finally open, we immediately went to the cat section of the shelter. Luckily, Bandit was there. And…. He was adorable. He was the only cat who would roll on their back and paw at the glass when someone approached their cage. He looked at me with his big golden eyes and meowed at me through the glass wall of his enclosure.

The next step was hanging out with Bandit. We were placed in a small room with bandit. He loved to play. There were some perches in the room he would like to climb or jump to, and he loved to play and be petted. I just knew that he was the right choice.

We bought Bandit (I had saved up all my money for him) and got him a toy. I was so excited on the ride home. A cat to keep me company! He was adorable! I played with him a little through air holes in the carrier. I even took a picture!

Soon, it will be the anniversary of the day Bandit was brought into our family. Mom suggested I do a post for her blog to honor him, so I did.

Make sure to subscribe to my mom’s blog for more awesome posts and to like this post as well!

🙂 Hannah <3

2 thoughts on “Bandit

  1. Bandit is definitely an adorable cat! He would make anyone smile — I’m glad the two of you found each other!

    1. Hi Gena! I am so glad she and Bandit found each other too 🙂 I made sure we got there early enough to be the first person in line before the shelter opened, because after I read his profile on-line, I suspected he and Hannah would be a good fit and that his cuteness factor would make him in high demand. He looks like Flynn Rider with his little black chin marking, it is the cutest 🙂

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